AGGRESSION 101 with Todd Denny combines music, theater and audience
interaction to:
- Explore dating, communication and sexual violence
- Introduce risk factors, definitions and reporting standards
- Benefit all students, athletes, fraternities and peer educators
Todd Denny, M.S.W., nationally
known speaker and trainer specializes in upbeat and engaging presentations about
all forms of sexual aggression. For the past 17 years, Todd has presented over
1000 programs to colleges, universities, public schools and community organizations.
Todd will be touring in 2007 to promote his new book, "Men
Who Stop Rape."
Todd was
featured in the award-winning PBS documentary "Date Rape: A Different Set
of Rules." Todd was also featured on "Entertainment Tonight" and
presented at the US Department of Education National Conference and the International Conference on Campus Sexual Assaults.
Todd pioneered Men's Violence Prevention
(MVP) programs at:
- The Evergreen State College
- University of Illinois
- Eastern Washington University
Todd's workshops teach skills to prevent violence through practical prevention and
intervention strategies. Todd's programs are highly interactive and utilize
music, experiential exercises, and group discussions. Program participants
examine their own beliefs and behaviors about gender roles, masculinity, sexual
harassment and sexual assault.
Sexual Aggression 101 has the power to:
- make students the frontline of prevention
- enhance campus safety
- reduce litigation
testimonial letters and
evaluations from
successful programs across the nation attest to his effectiveness.
Read What Colleges and Universities Say about Todd's Work.
Todd's new book "Men Who Stop Rape" will be published in winter 2007.
Todd is touring nationally in 2007, discussing his current book on college
campuses and in a series of radio and television interviews.
E-mail Todd to bring him to your
Excerpt from my forthcoming
Men Who Stop Rape
are three fundamental tenets that underlie this book and successful
programs that address male violence:
1).The first unmasks a pernicious myth, namely that
men do not want to change their beliefs towards violence against women
(Foubert, J.D. and Marriott, K.A. 1997). Hundreds of workshops
and training sessions with thousands of men have convinced me that
finding men to mentor is not our principal challenge. Rather it is how
to touch their inner beings, innate benevolence and life experiences,
in order to provide them with the desire to help prevent sexual
assault. Many men have girlfriends, sisters and friends who are
survivors of sexual assault. Still other men have mothers, daughters
and female acquaintances that have been physically or psychologically
brutalized in ways other than rape. Talk with men at length and
eventually you will discover an incident of sexual violence that
permanently changed the life of someone they cared about. Such
experiences have the latent power to change positively men’s beliefs
about interpersonal violence. Sharing one’s own and hearing others’
experiences about the consequences of abuse heightens men’s awareness
and readies them for the opportunity to become allies in violence
prevention. When men understand the underpinning familial and cultural
influences of male violence, they realize their own potential for
preventing it.

Todd with student actors and Christine Gregoire (then Washington Attorney
general, now Governor) being honored for his innovative "Hands Are Not For
Hurting" music video.
Contact Todd at:
120 State Ave NE #275
Phone: (360)