Music Testimonials
"Among the best presentations
students had heard in their college careers" University of Oregon
"...empowers students to examine
difficult and critical issues." Tacoma Public Schools
"...uplifting and inspiring to see
men working with us." Seattle Domestic Violence Coalition - Spring
"Mesmerizing... really, really well
put-together." Safe Schools Coalition of Washington
"Innovative, using popular culture
to educate students." Spokane School District
"Clear and powerful messages."
The Evergreen State College
"Very effective in reaching our
Green River Community College
"Unique, attractive, and
Safeplace Rape Relief Shelter, Olympia, Washington
Music Samples
Preview a few of the songs (MP3
format): The Cards We Were Dealt Sticks and Stones Homophobia
To order the CD and MVP
Training Manual: Send a check for: $45 (includes postage and
handling) to: Todd Denny 120 State Ave NE #275 Olympia,
WA 98501
Be sure to include your mailing address.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.