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Gerecht's Photos
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Nikon 900/950

Visit my NEW site and see some different photos presented differently.  It's a much slower site, due to the larger photos, but I hope you'll think it's worthwhile.  Let me know what you think.

Communist at Speaker's Corner - London

Speakers Corner in London is a magnificent testament to freedom of speech.  You can say almost anything.  In this case, a communist (someone contacted me and said he is a well known Indian communist) was blasting away at Israel.  I spoke up and asked, "Why not let the Jews out of Russia if it's so free?"  He responded by asking me if I was a New York Jew.  My response was "NO, I'm from Olympia, Washington."  About 50 feet away someone shouted out, "Hey, I'm from Shelton," which is about 20 miles from Olympia.  What a coincidence!  We chatted for awhile and then left. Never did properly answer the communist.

Communist at Speaker's Corner in London