- The Musician's Online Forum feature has exceeded our expectations. Now you can post info or questions about your Marshall, include photos, sell your gear, and even advertise for musicians to complete your band! (8/1/2002)
- The Free Stuff page was updated. Stay tuned ... we have more to add! (7/23/2002)
- More updates throughout the site. New home page. (7/21/2002)
- Numerous updates made throughout the site. (6/8/2002)
- The Marshall Amplifier FAQ page was updated. (5/12/2002)
- The Powerbrake PB100 Power Attenuator page was updated. (4/26/2002)
- A limited run of Marshall
1960A cabinets, TSL100 heads, and DSL100 heads were recently produced in red vinyl. Act quickly! (4/21/2002)
Sorry! All gone! (8/1/2002)
- The Marshall JCM2000 DSL Dual Super Lead page was revised. (4/20/2002)
- The Marshall Speaker Cabinet Construction page was revised. (4/18/2002)
- Marshall has just introduced a new limited-edition amp: the 2203ZW Zakk Wylde model. (3/18/2002)
- Today we celebrate the 6th anniversary of Marshall Arts! We started back in March 1996 as The Unauthorized Marshall Home Page. Back then, there was no official or unofficial source of Marshall information on the web. We really appreciate your support and continue to grow.
- The Marshall Artists pages were updated. (2/10/2002)
- Attention KISS lovers: have you seen the limited edition collector's set packed in a briefcase-sized guitar case? We found a source that still has them in stock and has free shipping. (2/9/2002)
- The Marshall Artists pages were updated. (1/29/2002)
- Check out Marshall's new tube head carry bags -- see them on the Marshall Covers page. (1/26/2002)
- We're using a different hosting company for the Forums. The old forums are still available from our Home page. (1/20/2002)
- The Marshall JCM 800 Series Amplifiers page was updated. (1/20/2002)
- The Settings for Your Marshall Gear page was updated. (1/20/2002)
- Our partner site, the Musician's Worldwide Shopping Network, is having a sale ... with prices up to 83% off list! (1/19/2002)
- The Date Your Older Marshall page was updated. (1/14/2002)
- We just established our Amazon Honors program page for Marshall Arts! Now you can make a voluntary donation to help defray the expenses of maintaining this site. The links are also on the Support page. (1/9/2002)
- The Marshall Covers, JTM Series, JCM900 SL-X Amp, Product Settings, and Marshall Speaker Cabinets pages were updated. (1/5/2002)
- Remember to purchase your favorite music gear through our links to Musician's Friend. If you live outside the USA, try our friends at Music 123
. Redeem your gift certificates, too. We appreciate your continued support!
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004
Copyright © 1996-2004 The Blame Productions
Trademarks and copyrights used herein are the property of their respective holders.
Marshall Arts is not affiliated with Jim Marshall Products, plc.