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Gerecht's Photos
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Gerecht's Photos

Visit my NEW site and see some different photos presented differently.  It's a much slower site, due to the larger photos, but I hope you'll think it's worthwhile.  Let me know what you think.

When I was in college (in 1969) a friend gave me some 35mm film and I was able to shoot with my father's pre-WWII Contax camera. It was a rangefinder with no lightmeter but it did have interchangeable lenses.

In December 1969, I dropped out of college and my parents gave me an enlarger for Christmas.

Well, I've been going strong ever since.

Until... I found Photoshop.

Now I work more in that and really enjoy photography even more than ever, but it's changed, and continues to change.

This site shows some of my evolution.

I hope you enjoy the photos.

Click on the links to the left to get to various sections of my site.