6/13/98 - First studio session for Shiver's latest
CD. Thought I'd get started on The Shiver site.
5/22/98 - Slow mo on this site, lately. A few Spring updates. New photo of Randi
and Greg.
4/98 - Oh where did April go?
3/1/98 - A very long absence....went to Vegas, went to Arizona. Came back to
rain, snow and ice...Winter is a reason for water to seep into our
consciousness, I guess.
I hope to shake off the droplets and get back to work on this!
12/21/97 - Anybody reading this?....ahem, just checking. Let me know at mailto:%20cnohevil@olywa.net
12/20/97 - More party photos.....oooh yipee! Let's go kids! Party!
11/3/97 - Added Lyric Archive
for easy access.
10/29/97 - New salon page going up today Party!
10/28/97 - Quote from an old Alice Cooper tune added in the JavaScript Scrolling
window on the home page....which song?
9/29/97 - Added link to Random Portrait
9/18/97 - Added link to Donn Bennett Drum Studio web site.
8/28/97 - Added Bumbershoot Arts Festival (Seattle) link.
8/8/97 - Changed "Jeff.htm" to add a Javascript window.
3/20/96 - Last incarnation of the rock band, "The Blame" page. Web site moved
to: Blame Productions
11/18/95 - Moved the rock band, "Plunge/the Blame" page to
6/2/95 - Hosting the rock band, "Plunge" page on http://www.wln.org/cnohevil.