What's New

11/25/04 - Another year....come and gone...and very little new here. It's been another very musical year! I keep promising MP3 files of the latest compositions and a full photo archive of the RTS-1 (now an RTS-2 too!). Soon.....oh soon. I am sad to say that I must now take the Keith Purvis link off of the drum pages as he just passed away recently. His store had been closed for awhile, but I just liked having it there. Now....well now...I guess it's time to let it go. I didn't know him very well, but they were some of the best drum lessons I ever took. He was a no bullshit kind of teacher.....and I loved trading 4 and 8s with him. His advice to me: don't let the band breakups break your heart....forget that.....just play every day....for yourself, for someone else....just play every day. Thanks, Keith. That advice still rings in my ears after a long practice session.....
9/27/03 - I've been having a wonderful time this summer with all the music performances and my great little drum trike - The Rhythmic Transformation Station I've just added a new battery powered Crate amp for big sound and have been using a headset microphone while tooling around on it.
2/29/03 thru 9/26/03 - What can I say? It's been a rich, wonderful life this year. So much so that I haven't been sitting around at my computer much.
2/28/03 - Just when you thought it was safe to write this web site off. I'm back once again to bug my friends. Hmmmm....let's see.....what's happened in the intervening months? Lot's of performances for my percussion group - Planet Percussion. Lot's of drive-by drummings for the Rhythmic Transformation Station. New web site for that up at Songramp - The Rhythmic Transformation Station
11/13/02 - A wonderful time at the "Drowning World - SeaCompression" party, FUNC (Fremont Unconventional Centre) this last Saturday, 11//9/02. I brought the Rhythmic Transformation Station and improvised with a few DJs throughout the night. What a great community of burners! I just really cherish these folks. Thank you Ivan, Amani, Jordan, Wally, David and the thundering horde that made this happen. Some very cool photos of the festivities have been put up at: Photos
8/8/02 - Once again this site moves forward...after a fairly absent-minded summer....slowly...inch by inch....jpeg by jpeg. I've finally gotten some decent photos of the Rhythmic Transformation Station (a drum set on three wheels) that I've been prototyping for this years Burning Man.
2/5/02 - Just finished up some recordings with Jay Sicilia's Planet Percussion ensemble. We've cut a single "Ocean of Dreams" at David's studio out in Yelm.
1/28/02 - A great jam at the NARAS - Grammy "In the Mix" gathering at the new SRI facility in Fremont. Reggie Watts (voice and good vibe), Deborah Semer (everything), Alicia Dara (voice/percussion), Nancy Rumbel (oboe), me and J.T. trading off on the traps.....and oh, so many guitarists/bass players (Jimmy,Josh....great throat singing too!
1/25/02 - Just bought my first cello bow. I'm having a wonderful time bowing all sorts of found objects....along with all my percussion stuff, cymbals, guitars, gongs, etc.
1/19/02 - Did I mention that I absolutely love Halou? We went to the KEXP/John Richards party at the Crocodile....DJ Riz, Kinski, Juno, Pedro the Lion (yeah!) and the splendiferous Halou.
1/1/02 - We had a fairly well attended Peace Parade down in Sylvester Park today.....massive rain, but it was a nice gathering of drummers, peace nicks, and public speakers. Thanks to Scott Saunders for getting the drummers together!
12/31/01 - Another year, another weblog
12/25/01 - Merry, merry
11/20/01- Another bizarre year, nearing its end. What are you thankful for? Put a newer link up for Experimental Musical Instruments website (Bart Hopkin Rules!)
8/24/00 to 11/19/01 - Well let's see a few Burning Mans, trip to Cabo, lots of little changes, but playing music mostly. Really in the music writing mode. Musical snippets abound. Good therapy, I say.
8/23/00 - Well.....back at it again. Nothing like a few years to gain perspective, eh? Added the Fading Collection site
7/19/99 - Oh where did the year go? Shiver has taken up a fair amount of my time.
6/13/98 - First studio session for Shiver's latest CD. Thought I'd get started on The Shiver site.
5/22/98 - Slow mo on this site, lately. A few Spring updates. New photo of Randi and Greg.
4/98 - Oh where did April go?
3/1/98 - A very long absence....went to Vegas, went to Arizona. Came back to rain, snow and ice...Winter is a reason for water to seep into our consciousness, I guess.

I hope to shake off the droplets and get back to work on this!

12/21/97 - Anybody reading this?....ahem, just checking. Let me know at mailto:%20cnohevil@olywa.net
12/20/97 - More party photos.....oooh yipee! Let's go kids! Party!
11/3/97 - Added Lyric Archive for easy access.
10/29/97 - New salon page going up today Party!
10/28/97 - Quote from an old Alice Cooper tune added in the JavaScript Scrolling window on the home page....which song?
9/29/97 - Added link to Random Portrait Gallery
9/18/97 - Added link to Donn Bennett Drum Studio web site.
8/28/97 - Added Bumbershoot Arts Festival (Seattle) link.
8/8/97 - Changed "Jeff.htm" to add a Javascript window.
3/20/96 - Last incarnation of the rock band, "The Blame" page. Web site moved to: Blame Productions
11/18/95 - Moved the rock band, "Plunge/the Blame" page to http://www.olywa.net/cnohevil.
6/2/95 - Hosting the rock band, "Plunge" page on http://www.wln.org/cnohevil.
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